the black hats were REALLY stupid to have done this 'hacking' the way they did it.
they're fucking script kiddies…
the black hats were REALLY stupid to have done this 'hacking' the way they did it.
they're fucking script kiddies…
>Open Source code for voting machines.
and open hardware, to the point of being able to see the ASIC data that created the fucking chips.
>Watching this makes me wonder what the fuck we have an intelligence community for…
they are there to rig elections, misinform the public, run drugs, guns, child trafficking, etc.
>The absolute state of these machines is fucking hilarious.
normies won't understand the full extent of just how bad this is.
the bad guys are fucking idiots.
BOOM BOOM BOOM>>14325616
>Log folder is GONE!!! BOOM!!!
Dominion employee is going to prison.