Fuck him! He is compd, he is a liar, he is a cheater, did I say he's a liar & a cheat? His soul has been bought by the cabal! It was purchased a long time ago. He will say anything to be relevant, but he is not! He's a dancing monkey on a cabal chain!
Where's Hunter? Where's dr jill? Where's all his grand daughters he & Hunter molest? Pino Potato is a potato for sure but he's also a dirty old man with a penchant for little white girls. He's also not as doddering as he makes out to be..anon thinks he's faking stuupid to take the heat off of himself. He seems lucid when he's ready to fight to get what he wants whether it's a little girl or his build back better schitt or God help us all.. to beat the drum of Covid vax #'s! They give him the Vax drum to beat because he's good at lying about something he's passionate about.. getting a 10% kickback on for the Big Guy!