Why would Jim let the cert expire at this moment. Anons have to remember - nothing is coincidence
We have the winning message for our community. We have the winning message for our families.
Anons are on the clock
If you think it's going to be hard branching out and sharing the great awakening, look at it this way. EVERYBODY hates to be played as a fool. EVERYBODY likes to be part of a plan.
Anons, you were chosen for this. You educated yourselves without even knowing why you chose the path you chose. You are the hope of future generations in the fertility of your message of hope.
Never underestimate the power of what you have learned nor your ability to transform the world around you.
Do not fear the future. Only those who do not ground themselves in God find themselves fearing the future. We are those that God collected and placed here to pivot humanity to journey into the light by rejecting the immorality of a life of wasted debauchery in this realm. We were sent by the Light to gather others and guide them to the Light. We all have higher purposes if we only pursue them.
Jim's cert and de-certโฆ
Jim don't take a dump without a planโฆ
Normally I'd tend to agree, but knee deep in Emergency Broadcasts and looming civil disobedience to masks and vaccines on a known MI site I go with everything means something. Timers, signals, countdowns, readies. Who tf knows half the time? All I know is spidey is sensing big things tingle at all time high
Thank God or the Ruskies would have already taken over
sorry - kek sarcasm
Colorado caught the Cabal flat footed and drove them into the ropes. You have no idea the damage we did rushing Colorado (driving new wedge narrative of truth of election). We're literally re-shaping the 'reality according to society' truth to what actually happened instead of the fakenews fantasy cover for their nefarious purposes.
Now all that needs to drop is Arizona. Let me ask you this. Do you hear anyone talking about Cuomo or Pelosi? No, everything is in place for a very well organized #AZAudit to release the results. This week ain't over Alice
Trump has consistently said in a few of his books in fact. Always do the unexpected. It's a signature move for him.