This way, also, God see how your intentions are, to sell Him, for fake good, or stick w/ Him, for better and worse?!?!
Diamonds are created under high pressure and high heat.
Fvck you for wanting all on a gold plate.
You have no idea what pain is, MF, i live hell for 4 years, even that I did nothing wrong, but still, I will not go public and call names, b/c I know God is watching over me.
I svck, and try to muve on.
Me: Mother, I am in the crazy house
Mother: Be nice, so they will not kick you out.
For my good, there are ships, w/ unimaginable tech, doctors, vibrations, uv, and energy, no need to fvck my state of mind!!!!!
why don't they scratch my head now?
cos i'm in the wine mood, and don't feel the pain/stress??
Only why sober?
So feel the stress?
Why don't you let them talk?
Would you like to come at you, take you prisoner and say nothing 4 years?
Your trust and love in me will grow??????
are you making fun of me???
are you using me???
what the results will be????
moar soup for you?
or are you creating an enemy, so strong, that will make you feel the happiness, back, but harder, cos i have the feeling you're doing it w/ intentions.
murder one.
You promised me, you'll fix it, Now I'll come back soon, and send you all in here, the same life, and I will fix it, my way, but you must take the shit first.
put some panties on, or you wanna look like a whore?
I only like angels that have a style.
My family, please try to find this troubled mind, i think it is MK ULTRA victim.
Or I will find it.
Why should I care?
Did the lizard died???
"six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice" in the Belgian capital of Brussels. "After nearly a year of litigation, Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip, were found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children."