check and kek
the issue is like throughout history do you let them grow up to have revenge on those who took out there parents. Will they be able to be turned away from the darkside or will they fall deeper into it. They still are family even if it is evil. That bond is tight for many. Assets stripped away forcing them to work wage slave jobs till they can redeem themselves. Then are we just setting up the cycle again. While i hate the death penalty and i know in some cases like the ones we deal with it is most likely the answer their resources have to be stripped. But then we are back to the entire redistribution idea. Its a cluster all around. I hope we just have the patience and wisdom to walk through it when the time comes. I do believe redemption is possible but not in all. We have to be aware of that when those decisions are made. Then the question is always who gets to make that call, judges we know we are going to be going after them at some point for their crimes also. Anyone who profited off the lives of others needs to be taken down.
it had nothing to do with that it was a sequel to a moderate to shit movie with the first one, or that James Gunn had a hand in it, or that people are not going to sit for 2 hours in a theater anymore mask or no mask, and now since even the vaccinated have to wears masks they don't want to go, then add in the price of popcorn and just how all the movies are made to circle jerk china. Fuck it, stay home and watch something on your paid subscriptions. But they have to blame someone to justify it to their overlords in pedowood and chinkchinkland.
first off no, but a pretty good idea, secondly you are an idiot. The movie failed because no one wanted it in the first place. Much like everything china pushes out now. Don't quote q to be me thinking you are superior, you are not.
i would agree with most of that, which is why i do not really support the death penalty at all, Redemption is for the murderer and just alike, in fact they need it more. Jesus even spoke to this idea, which does run counter to other ideas in the Bible, millstones an all that. Repentance is a big thing for everyone, and everyone should be entitled to that opportunity i really believe, but something still hast to be done, stripped of resources sure, imprisonment most likely, past that i do not know, but i also do not trust others to make the right calls either, judgement is for one alone, and i am not qualified to do that, nor is anyone else really, plus since most of the judges and people in charge are the very people who are at issue the entire system needs to be reformatted, but then you still have other cultures who do not believe in redemption or repentance and still want blood and justice, i am guilty sometimes of that myself, guess we just have to err to the better angels and all that.