Anon laid awake last night considering our situation. The state numbers out of the symposium confirm to anons what we already knew - but anon wonders why normies will believe these anymore than they have believed anything anons have put out. Did normies actually watch how the geeks arrived at their numbers? I doubt it. Did normies watch the real-time CM reveal? Probably not. Was enough proof there that state audits will be triggered? We know the election was stolen, they were CAUGHT, but HTH are we going turn this ship around with corruption embedded in every bastion of our society? Will t here be a mass awakening and the sheer numbers will overwhelm the globalists? Will
it take the Military? A miracle from God (like happened for Gideon)? Or are we marching headlong into the Revelation endtime events? Anon does not know the answer to these questions nor do I think any anon who is truthful with himself does either. I know I'm not the only one laying awake at night considering…
Praying (or hoping) for the best and preparing for the worst seems to be the best path going forward to this anon. As we are making preparations for the lights going out, for the supply lines being interrupted, for the brownshirts bearing needles to arrive at our doorstep - we mustn't forget the preparations of our hearts for eternity. We are told to work out our salvation (in Jesus Christ) with fear and trembling. Never has there been a more important time to do this. BONUS: Peace that passes all understanding. Spoken in love to my anon family.
Philippians 2:10
(There will come a time when) at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
12Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now even more in my absence,
continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.
13For it is God who works in you to will and to act on behalf of His good purpose.