So Trump will be declared
Obama will active his goons
It will land like a wet farm
Some hotspots will argue it out (like chicago.. )
The ship will be righted
We will enjoy a new era for a time
well, there also some big civilizational changes… "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming"
Jesus 2nd Coming? No, don't see any destruction/extinction of The Word…
next thought? Something HAARP or VLF?
Something to do with the Mayotte 17 rumbles-in-the-jungle?
I tend to think thats too super classified for public viewing.
Next thought: the essence of Q crumbs is "how many coincidences?" and "Future Proves Past"…. and that is definitely super-computer territory and capable of being a big upset to Our World As We Know It.
What If Dept… decades of sleuthing by Intel and there playbook… AI could run a playbook then learn and improve the playbook. Snow White had 7 dwarfs… until ..
I am not talking about "Pre-crime" as per Hollywood, but something immense in scale…. and i think the engineering underneath it all goes back to quantity surveying elements used in very large projects and logistics etc.
Mission Objective fully scoped out and simulated, a end point is established. Then the machine is run through probable pathways to achieving the objective and a series of best options and decision trees studied and filtered. So a outcome is reverse-engineered.
If this sort of tech is now reliable and robust enough that the Intel Outfit deployed it in public, and our world was like a Movie for 5 years, just imagine the changes to "The World As We Know It."