Then SHE needs to pluck her own fucking eyes out if she doesn’t want to risk me looking deep into her soul.
>>14333337 pb
I like this meme. Thanks.
Have been wondering for a while, and this meme is so good it makes me ask specifically.
Is there any way to reliable identify WHEN a meme, irrespective it’s creator or origin, but rather WHEN did a meme first appear? Date and time, is all I’m asking.
Don’t forget this mathmagical slight of hand:
Start with a hundred bed hospital.
Close every other floor, ‘cause Rona’.
Close every other room, ‘cause Rona’.
Take out one bed, from every remaining two bed room, ‘cause Rona’.
13 people “overwhelm” the capacity of a hundred bed hospital, ‘cause Rona’. Not even talking yet about reducing staff (cause why pay for all the people needed for a hundred bed hospital when you only have 12.5 beds left?), ‘cause Rona’.
Imagine for a moment… this shouldn’t be difficult.
Imagine for a moment “Democracy” could be rigged against nature itself.
Illegitimate ‘representatives’ are thus appointed to legislative activities.
Legislation is thus passed to make it “illegal” for grass to grow more than three inches.
Fines will be imposed upon lawn-care givers for failure to prevent the Law being broken.
Sharpening metal is also made a crime, because racism/ sexism/ communism/…. whatthefuckever because we are already way past any rationality or logical reality.
Lawn-care givers become ever fewer and fewer because Cost outpaces available life itself.
The grass grows beyond Legal Limits.
Who’s at fault, and what remedy should/could/can be taken?
Keep watching TeeVee, that’s worked out well for you so far.
History is not made of a single lane road… there are many Ys, Ts and switchbacks.