so cute the froggy
I think it is possible.
Most of the people do not want issues, problems, arguing or wars.
They just didn't learn to agree fist on all things they have in common and later negociate about contrary stuff over a cup of tea
At what time does the symposium begin today?
go sleep, mf
WTF was that bachground audio ???
The Pillowbomber throwing the MOAB!
and i even bought a good wine for the last symposium day :)
Could we please post the streaming list again for those that tune in? And in case of stream down..
thank you all :)
BOOM incoming???
POPCORN: It's about to go down!!!
Hunter's laptop?
they are all definately also watching here
streams down
What the fuck did he say???
The stream went down just in the right moment.
no coinkidinkshit. But what did he say???
when? by whom?
if something happens to him now, the more hero he will become.
they are stupid!!!
so what exactly happened last night to ML?
i couldn't hear it because the stream went down..
thank you
(but went down with the "big announcement")
hope they have the attack recorded
next to elevators or even inside them there are often CCTV installed, normally
thank you.
what is a poison pill?
i mean is it a real pill or a term for something technical..?
sorry no IT fag