Hard to know for sure, it is being streamed across numerous platforms.
ooOOOooo well, that never crossed this anons mind, but that makes astounding sense!
Anon! This is a brilliant idea! Thank you; for your inspiration.
hahaha I actually believe this part!
“Unbeknownst to Gates, the military already has all the evidence it needs. While Gates sat in a cell, the military did simultaneous raids on a dozen Gates-owned properties across the nation, seizing computers, laptops, papers—about everything imaginable, including 3,000 pages of notes on a project called ‘How to Rule the World.’ It sounds like something from a Pinky & The Brain cartoon, but JAG believes it’s legitimate. In short, it describes taking over the vaccine industry and contaminating vaccinations with compounds that either kill the recipient or turn him into a mindless slave,” our source said.
This needs to go viral on every SM out there.
I saw that article this morning too and shrugged it off as a hit piece.