interesting. Iatse is an OC union.
Patriots in control.
VG is not a stable witness.
Her book, which manuscript is attached as an exhibit to court filings displays numerous reasons to be cautious about this witness.
In the past cult prosecutors have promoted one witnesses testimony in the public mind with large and complex cases , when that witness is discredited in the public mind, the impetus to prosecute is greatly reduce and the case can be shelved, 'pending further investigation' or permanently.
Anon does not assert that is the case here, only that VG is not a stable witness. Nor should we expect robust mental health in people who have been sexually abused as children.
royalist falange?
Shouldn't think so.
What little anon knows about Dershowitz emanates from the old Van Bulow murder trial where Dershowitz handled the successful appeal.
Would think it is safe to assume after multiple trips to the island AD knew what was going on.
Most people who do high stakes law for dodgy cultists are very careful about violations themselves.
Don't know what evidence exists on Dershowitz, other than the logs and VGs testimony but if he's a pedovore he will not escape justice, or be forgotten. We'll make certain of that.
a blueanon
they believe Joe Biden is president, congressional clowns run the country, battery cars are cool, and Antifags are peaceful paytriots.
Children's Defense Fund is the largest active, satanist pedovore organization with nationwide grooming/recruiting operations ongoing (6/12/2019) under multiple program names such as; "Freedom Schools," "Beat the Odds" "Faith based programs" and many others.
Search the Q research archive for the vast load of data on Children's Defense Fund and their Pedowood/Clinton Foundation connections.
High functioning psychopathic pedovores, the "biggest names in Hollywood" among them, formed the sham charity back in the 1970s to provide continuous access to children and vulnerable youth under charitable cover or pretext.
The pedovore's phony Children's Defense Fund solicits tax free charitable donations but their activities are largely funded by Federal and State tx dollars. Fund raising and political lobbying are carried out by an ever-changing cavalcade of Pedowood satanists, the biggest and brightest stars, the most powerful studio bosses.
The satanic predators running our new and entertainment industry use sham charities, foundations and museums to support a whole range of criminal activities. Children's Defense Fund is used for money laundering, drug trafficking in addition to providing a secure supply of child victims for ritual sexual activities and human sacrifice.
One of the biggest charities enjoying broad support in the Entertainment Industry is "Children's Defense Fund" a charade operated by popular and beloved show business figures and political celebrities to access children the sham charity pretends to protect. "Children's Defense Fund" is a vehicle for satanist pedovore predation and other criminal activity.
Children's Defense Fund is a worldwide, satanist pedovore child trafficking and money laundering scam operation. CDF has
branches in Africa, Asia and the ME, and runs multiple programs in impoverished, minority communities throughout the US.
Do not let these baby sit:
Sample search product:
#2764810 at 2018-08-28 13:54:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #3492: He Who did Not Depart on His Own Terms Edition
Following on from the Discussion yesterday about JJ Abrams.
I have found a massive link between him and HRC through the Children's defence fund, where HRC claimed she started working
in 1973 before the Watergate investigation.
I have also shown links where she is buying and selling influence to this NPO and Lobbying group, by literally selling out
to Goldman Sachs.
Q Research General #3111: Detective Edition
Late to the bread but digging on Clinton/James ties๏ฟฝ
Lebron makes massive donations to the Children's defense fund
Which connects him deeply to the Clinton family๏ฟฝ
More Children's Defense Fun pedovore predators.
even more pedovore associated with the sham children's charity, "Children's Defense Fund."
Vaccine related grannie death incidents are widely unreported by MSM. It maybe a rare instance of 'situational integrity"
Lazy low energy, casual hire shills: Name calling is not shilling.
Your supervisor has been notified.