Flying into Las Vegas and letting down on the arrival you can see those 3 towers from 150 200 miles out on a clear day. Bright as fuck. Maybe PETA should get involved uh?
All of the ABC's know it. Especially the NSA. They watched it in real time and here we sit. Fucking traitors everywhere.
Any booms today anons? IRL shit all day.
Should have mentioned the Lindell symposium.
This young Black Man is BASED!!!
Sorry anon, ain't taking a vaccine that for something that has a 99.8% chance of survival. If you drove your car today you did not have those odds. Ain't doing it.
Saw this pathetic fag ass liddle boi parading around the fucking White House acting like the faggot that he is. What a blight.
SMFH with these SCOTUS picks by POTUS. Did he get conned with Barrett, Kavanaugh. Goersuch? We know Roberts is a fuck. Only two Patriots on that bench are Alito and Thomas.
Same video anon. yesterday on the board. I would be anywhere near that faggot. He would be crying after I got through with him.
I agree anon. On it's face, there is no other plausible explanation for the acts they do and the ones they don't do. Supossedly rational, accomplished, grown adults making decisions whether legistlatively, judicially or otherwise, that defies all.
Sauce it.
What a fucking idiot.
Yes, non white, homo etc……….
I watched that yesterday. Nice job with the PSP'n.
Perhaps. I know our POTUS is one smart, intelligent, fighting motherfucker. Time tells.
Well, they're doing a damn bang up job hastening the downward spiral of this country right down the fucking toilet. Legit or not. THEY ARE DOING IT.