weird how these problems only seem to happen when hotwheels crew is in control
im sure its coincidence tho
weird how these problems only seem to happen when hotwheels crew is in control
im sure its coincidence tho
>still watching ingersoll lockwood countdown
funny how repeated countdowns to nothing were a signature move of microchip
im sure thats totally not relevant here
im sure this one will pan out unlike their other countdowns
their target audience are idiots that cant remember yesterday
theyre parasites on this board, not subverters, the subverters are a different cohort
parasites are just piggybacking to drive traffic to their honeypots and grifts, they dont give a fuck that we see them
its a shame but every powerful organism has loads of parasites, its just nature
fucking kill yourself you dumb fuck
i am most definitely a "troll" when you dumb fucks control the board