Why is Jewna worried?
She was chosen for the job so I'm sure she's safe.
As soon as the Pillow Talk gets memory holed in a day or 2 all the lonely eyes will look to the only remaining solution to the endless fuckery.
Stay away from Day Shift then.
>Wasn't meant for us…
Who else that wasn't already convinced do you think was watching it?
If the State Legislature people that were there don't parlay it into #AuditAll50 it's going to fall short of expectations.
>Unity and direction.
I agree with this.
It was good that Mike put it on.
The impact of it remains to be seen tho.
You should have practice doing it by now since it's like the 3rd one.
Fully concur.
We the people have to keep getting sand kicked in our face exhausting all the options in order to get what will finally fix things:
Babyfist LARPwood succeeds in getting the Globals removed and now thinks he can start scamming it again.
On the same board.
That has autists that don't forget anything.
>doge hasn't been around much
That's because dogetard only baked just to get rid of those LARPwood Globals.
Now that they've been gone for 1-2 days no need to bother any more.
And they think Anons Eyes Always On doesn't notice that shit.
kek QR 2021 Bakers note every sauceless F&G shit that gets posted here.
I totally quit fighting that useless uphill battle.