If the number of "white" (whatever that means) people in America has declined, then how is it that being "white" means you are privileged? Hispanics have a longer life expectancy and other demographic groups are increasing in number.
I'd like to know if "whites" are being selectively genocided by the establishment, probably because they were part of the original groups that colonized America and reached middle class status first. Probably also because most of them came from countries that were Christian and "Western" in their culture. The DS hates Christians.
In any case, I think "whites" should be able to claim discrimination and seek legal redress based upon civil rights law.
The second article may not be germaine entirely, but I have to say that it is the Democrat party which most prominently promotes race baiting and envy as a means to encourage people towards anti-white racial bigotry.
In any case, I am looking to live in a "color blind" society. If Dims and others want to engage in analysis of racial discrimination in this country then they will be FORCED to acknowledge anti-white bigotry and to address it.