GERONIMO. Apache. RIG FOR RED. Something BIG about to drop. Templars? Fleming?
re: notable pb >>14341605, >>14341649 Hanging out with your #team tonight? So are we! #Airborne!
anon did the basic jump course, back in the day. recall doing one night drop. Airborne lingo.
that Dan dropped at 1:44 am (12 x 12, perfect square of astrology signs) onFri 13thcannot be coincident. Templars taken down Oct Friday 13th, 1307 by French King.
Q666 has Apache.
Q1307 (Templar) has Israel, Iran, France, Germany, EU, Syria
W.T.H. is going on???
BTW, not datefagging and saying anything is gonna habben soon. Just making the Airborne jump lingo connections.
And the Bond - Flemming (Ian & Jeremy?) - Scotland connection, Q3699 (kinda Tesla numbers)? Templars regrouped in Scotland after 1307 (Sinclair & Roslyn Chapel stuff)
As many of you will know, Iain Fleming the creator of Bond, had strong Lewis connections as his maternal grand-mother came from Scotland Street. The young Fleming used to spend his summer holidays on Lewis and this was where he first gained his love for living on islands, although his preferred islands in his later life came with slightly warmer climates. And Iain Fleming is of course immortalised in Stornoway, having Fleming Place (up at the old Lewis Hospital) named after him.
Just after the success of Dr No, the first Bond movie, the Hollywood film producer ‘Cuddy (Point) Broccoli, encouraged Fleming to come up with more film treatments of his Bond stories. Fleming was very keen to use Stornoway and the Isle of Lewis as the setting for a Bond film as he felt the island was every bit as exotic as Jamaica, Switzerland and the south of France.
Fleming produced a script for a film called Tweedfinger, with the action centering largely on devious deeds in the tweed mills of Stornoway. The Harris Tweed industry of the 1950’s and 60’s was of course synonymous with a rich and famous lifestyle, and so Fleming and the Harris Tweed Authority were keen to capitalise on this and to try and establish Stornoway as a St Tropez of the north west. The Town Council even went as far as planting a rubber plant in Cairn Gardens to try and encourage that image.
Flemings screenplay involved a ruthless tweed baron known as Tweedfinger who had an overwhelming desire for all things made of tweed. Tweedfinger was planning to destroy all of the worlds tweed patterns and to replace them with ones of his own.