Anonymous ID: 18862b May 16, 2018, 1:55 p.m. No.1434497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5127

re: 2015 Freedom Caucus and how long the plan's been in the oven:


  • from a longer twitter thread…


It is my “speculation” that elements of MI were aware from as early as 2015 (if not before) that elements of the CIA, 44’s administration, and the “Deep State” were going to assure that the 2016 election was nothing more than a coronation for HRC.


Her victory was crucial to the continuation of an insidious plan to destroy this country from the inside out. (Something for a different thread)


As such, elements of the MI – including @GenFlynn (as well as others) formed a plan to fight back and assure the will of the people was not subverted. This plan included surrounding 45 with counterintelligence experts and setting bait to lure the coup plotters into tiger traps.


I understand this coup and CI sting “speculation” is unsettling to some, and “conspiracy nonsense” to others.


I operate by evidence and go where it leads me. Since I formed this thesis (nearly 3 years ago now), the evidence day by day has only grown stronger in support of it.


(Full thread, main focus on Flynn/ECW and the MI CI sting here: https:// )


Point being - there has been a MI alliance working on our behalf for several years now. Q's appearance on the scene marked a new phase of the war, not the beginning (nor the end).


But it does seem like we're moving into the end phase now.

Anonymous ID: 18862b May 16, 2018, 2:40 p.m. No.1434956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Technical notes on the process of releasing the IG Report on the Clinton Email investigation.


After the "subjects" review it this week, as detailed in the article below, it still must go through a classification review that could take weeks to complete and could prevent much of it from being made public…


…Unless POTUS orders it to be declassified. Which makes the timing of the call from the Freedom caucus too coordinated to ignore.





