done on purpose to have the most reach.
Trevor was based.
God Hates the Tips.
he even calls out the baby dick sucking by a group of certain group of people in tiny hats.
wrong. Crutches and canes are used on the side of the strong limb. Not the weak one. Simple research proves this. your personal story is bs.
how about employees that eat fast food or fuck with out condoms, are you a fatty or a gimp or hell just old. all the people pushing this shit will swing every last fucking one of them.
having surgery on my foot fusing it and having my achilies cut to lengthen it says you are a faggot. I walk with a can also on the strong side. What else you got you lying faggot.
i think you should just neck yourself since you are such a little lying faggot bitch. No ortho would ever tell you that. So yes please do what you need to but you are a bitch ass liar. Not my fault you had shitty doctors.
So yeah you are a faggot liar a dirty faggot liar. LIAR LIAR LIAR. Hell a simple search online says you are a retard and a liar. So yeah call me a nigger at least I'm not a lying faggot. My scars and pins in my foot also say you are a little bitch also.
i said she is using it correctly you dumb fuck. As for threat, well not my fault if you do it to yourself.
23 posts says you are a nigger.
well that may be but this other nigger is saying she is using it wrong by having it on her strong side.
so you did what you thought was right not what a doctor would tell you. So basically you admit you are an idiot.