Anonymous ID: 3e0835 Aug. 14, 2021, 9:07 a.m. No.14350468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0492

>>14349420 (pb)

>>14349497 (pb)

>>14349482 (pb)

>>14349502 (pb)


If you don’t explain your actions, as to quell the uncertainty of the violations to my person, you will be exposed, anyway.


This exposure will ensure the ceasing of these interactions without due cause. Drug adherence systems causing overtly obvious metabolic alterations in receptor cite binding affinity, or forced down-regulation of the receptors themselves; this is to provide a smart-drug sort-of electroceutically induced tolerance increase in order to deter abuse and reduce potential of future acts. This is a direct violation to human rights, and biomedical free will. A patient, who has been prescribed drugs, controlled/scheduled or not, it does not give the medical industries like Big Pharma, the local hospitals, HMO insurance admins, over-bearing and scheming aged parents aimed to profit off of a ‘remote-covert-rehab’ option, being piloted as a research program, and be compensated for registering their ‘beloved’ son to be “saved from the demonic pills.”


This is of course without any informed consent and occurs unbeknownst to the remote-neurally-monitored patient, and is usually coerced through advanced mind control techniques in order to establish a narrative of mental illness, substance abuse, and risk-of-harm-to-self or possibly others. Through old-fashioned and traditionalist means, the parents are never put into questioning or scrutiny for putting their well-aware, highly educated, very bright & creative, supremely skilled son, into a government based research endeavor; one of a highly invasive and aggressive nature in the light of urgency for guaranteeing rehabilitation success.


This is a serious problem going on in the homes across the nation, and the silence of these victims will not be ignored and go unnoticed any longer. Both young men and women are being specifically targeted under the guise of medical assistance and intervention, in order to totally erase, or isolate the targeted individual (usually involved in some form of influential activism), to the point where they are practically invisible to the rest of their former social circles. Combine this with de-platforming, shadow banning, and outright censoring of these special people is why the concern for their safety and well-being is of highest priority and regard.


This is usually combined with the introduction of specifically planted gang-stalkers, social jackals and infiltrators, and covert/camouflaged cabal soldiers that have the ability to interact with you on very scary levels. Whether it’s a wireless taser / scalar wave / audio-acoustic low-frequency or ultrasonic sound wave / forced orgasm gun; or an MKSEARCH tinnitus-mimicking ravaging of your inner most thoughts, or DNA memory scouring for past event data collection (literally finding out what you ate for lunch in 6th grade on a sunny May afternoon)… they are breaching every aspect of privacy you can imagine. In fact, it should just be regarded that privacy, is a fiction. 24/7/365 constant surveillance and biomedical feedback systems with the highest of granularity, always looking to keep the individual under their complete control. Then with the use of V2K technologies (Voice-to-Skull remote/wireless/satellite based audio transduction), originally intended to be used on soldier caught behind enemy lines, without any comms equipment, can be directed from a secure location where their squad leader or higher ranking officer, guides them to safety and out of harms way; now is being used to agitate, antagonize, belittle, insult, tease, trick, frustrate, confuse, or beguile the victim (patient) into a more applicable role for the narrative being established as a means of their self-induced demise/rock-bottom.


Without any prior knowledge, even the best of us, with degrees in very advanced higher educational subjects, would be dumb-founded and bewildered if they had to suddenly and abruptly deal with the high levels of stress and socially constructed dangers that gang-stalking and now covert medical interventions for silencing people that can wake up the masses, fairly quickly, if they were to collaborate, research, outline, and ultimately prove the existence of these unacknowledged special-access programs or MILABs.


This is why I am telling all of you first, here on /QResearch/; because if anyone will believe me, and conduct their own research queries into these taboo subjects, they too will find the staggering amount of evidence being shared due to this increase in government corruption (ever since Biden cheated his way into the White House).

Anonymous ID: 3e0835 Aug. 14, 2021, 9:09 a.m. No.14350492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0570 >>0664 >>1254


part 2/2 cont…


With POTUS 45, we were on the fast track to [DECLAS], but it seems that it may need our public opinion swaying machine (all of us posting memes on social media) in order to pick up enough speed to gain notarity and begin to be scrutinized and openly dicussed in neighborhoods all across the United States.


Anons, let’s really start taking this seriously, and allow others to become more comfortable sharing these deeply personal, and most likely, confidential matters. If not, we risk losing some of our best researchers, lurkers, bridge-fags, diggers, bakers, etc. Why? These special and vital people to OUR MOVEMENT are next on the chopping block. Whether they are in recovery from an opioid addiction, a former sex-worker abuse in human trafficking, a inside government whistle-blower, a former ABC agency member looking to break-away from the [DS] cabal, or a smothered and sexually harassed drug geek with photoshop skills and is sometimes a little too, ‘wordy’ when it comes to their RE:


It’s swordy frens; I’ve been here, since the beginning as a lurker, but over the first year just learning the ropes, have contributed till this day, which is going on 5 years now! Holy shit! I’ve always been a fringe kind of guy, and I do come off a bit out-there a lot of the time. Yet, this is just a side effect of my creative process and should be identified as such. However, I would not jeopardize my rapport here with all of you, for some bogus hocus pocus. This shit is the real deal, and is no joke. For those aware of these systems, it’s an extremely tedious and information-rich predicament to be in; but for those without a clue, it’s fucking hell on Earth. For them, it feels like they’re going spontaneous-schizophrenic, and with that, comes alienation, and a lack of credibility right off the bat.


We MUST PROTECT THESE SPECIAL AUTIST ANONS FROM THESE WEAPONS/TOOLS (depending on which faction is utilizing the advanced [CLAS] tech), because these are deployed specifically to target these types of individuals; for their talent, skill, technical or artistic abilities… and we’ll lose them to some narrative, and nobody will notice them missing. We will be slowly thinned from the inside, out.


This cannot, and mustn’t happen, by all means necessary. We are at a crucial precipice at this time, so in order to save face, these cold-hearted, selfish bastards, would take pleasure in making sure a few of the more popular and special anons were fucked with to the point where they would miss out on the Great Awakening too, just out of spite and evil jealousy, and of course, without realizing that if they just flipped over to our side, and helped take out their evil superiors, we’d have another one of us… because that’s basically who we are! If not break-aways, potential recruits for their secret-homo societies. (Go jerk off in a coffin, within a dark room, while your fellows shoot their loads onto you, as an initiation ritual in order to implant the idea of common criminality in the new acolyte.)


tl;dr - Speak up to US about the things you couldn’t tell ANYONE else; not only because we’re Anonymous, but also to raise awareness about something that is desperately trying to stay hidden… while hundreds, if not already thousands of anons are tripping over in their lives and noticing themselves. Unfortunately, they come to find out they’re in the program now, just for being an observant, stand-up, law abiding citizen/patriot/American.


swordy, out.

SHEILD', busy… as usual. From the background, w/ love; she sends a kiss of faith and fortitude. <3



Anonymous ID: 3e0835 Aug. 14, 2021, 9:52 a.m. No.14350793   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One step at a time faggot, this is just the start of the process,



Yeah, it seems only to be concerning low-level FBI, but remember…


"When does a bird sing?"

A: When you can hear one, especially if you've got it in a convenient cage to prevent it from flying away.



