Anonymous ID: 5a87c8 Aug. 14, 2021, 9:44 a.m. No.14350729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0762 >>0895 >>0938


>>14349978 (pb)

>tectonic weapon in Haiti quake?


new Haiti quake another sign that solar minimum related natural disaster events are becoming more frequent


Not saying that [they] don’t have quake weapon tech or wouldn’t hesitate to use it now as a major distraction, but it’s also equally possible that this is also the consequence of the current solar minimum and Earths weakening magnetic field.


For example, the number of active volcanos WW now is unprecedented. You can’t blame these large earthquakes and active volcanos on man made CO2 production.


Based on the recently declassified 50 year old CIA documents discussing the extinction event implications of a magnetic pole shift, it’s highly probable that the elites’s mysterious mad rush to push depopulation, the great reset, and an AI centralized global control system is in preparation for such natural events outside their control. They know the supply chains are vulnerable and that decentralization of food and energy production is inevitable, so they are trying to get ahead of it so that they can survive, while the rest of us are far less likely to if we are all dependent on the State.