Anonymous ID: 74c3aa Aug. 14, 2021, 9:24 a.m. No.14350575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0739

Snopes must disband after publicly admitting they lie !


He has been suspended from editorial production pending the conclusion of an internal review but remains CEO and a 50% shareholder in the company, according to a statement from Snopes' senior leadership.


“Let us be clear: Plagiarism undermines our mission and values, full stop. It has no place in any context within this organization," the statement said.


In a separate statement, eight current Snopes writers also condemned Mikkelson's actions, while former staffers indicated to BuzzFeed that he routinely encouraged the practice as a way to make Snopes appear faster than it was.

Anonymous ID: 74c3aa Aug. 14, 2021, 9:31 a.m. No.14350620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0637 >>0748 >>0750

Lets have another war !


GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell called on President Biden to launch 11th hour airstrikes against the Taliban in Afghanistan, as the group comes perilously close to seizing the nation’s capital of Kabul.


“It is not too late to prevent the Taliban from overrunning Kabul,” The Kentucky senator said in a statement Friday, Fox News reported. “The Administration should move quickly to hammer Taliban advances with airstrikes, provide critical support to the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) defending the capital, and prevent the seemingly imminent fall of the city.”


The message came after McConnell had what he described as an “urgent conversation” with Adela Raz, Afghanistan’s ambassador to the United States.

Anonymous ID: 74c3aa Aug. 14, 2021, 10:06 a.m. No.14350905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0942 >>1232


GRAND RAPIDS, MI – The attorney for one of six men indicted in a plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said Friday, Aug. 13 that an FBI special agent told an informant to lie and to delete text messages between them.

Attorney Michael Hills, representing Brandon Caserta, asked a federal judge to order the government provide all communications between a paid informant, identified only as “Dan,” and the FBI.

The government has said it provided a significant amount of documentation and that the defense hasn’t shown evidence of entrapment that would warrant release of additional materials.


“Counsel has found further text messages between (special agent) Impola and Dan indicating Dan should destroy his text messages and instruct Dan to lie and accuse an innocent 3rd party of being a federal agent spy to the founder of Wolverine Watchmen.”

Hills provided a transcript in which the FBI agent allegedly said: “Copy. Best thing to do is deny and accuse somebody else like Trent.”


Hills said the FBI agent also wrote: “Be sure to delete these.”

Anonymous ID: 74c3aa Aug. 14, 2021, 10:33 a.m. No.14351111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1234


The lawsuit said Walls-Kaufman used a cane, crowbar or similar object to level a brain injury to Smith, who took his own life on 15 January. Jonathan Arden, DC’s former chief medical examiner, has attributed Smith’s death to post-concussion syndrome, which can lead to symptoms like depression and suicidal thoughts.


About a dozen people with the open-source intelligence group Deep State Dogs pored over evidence from the capitol attack for more than a month until they found footage of Smith and his assailants.


“We felt we had to do something to honor the memory and family of Officer Smith. It’s terrible that the bereaved were left in that situation,” Forrest Rogers from Deep State Dogs told HuffPost. “So we turned to the thing we do best: finding bad guys.”


Walls-Kaufman, a chiropractor, has said in the past that about 40% of his clients work at or around the Capitol. In January, he was quoted in a story about the riot, which implied he was in attendance.


Walls-Kaufman is a senior student of Ben Lo, world renowned senior student of Prof. Cheng, with an estimated 250,000 students of Cheng’s form worldwide. This school of Tai Chi is a very exact teaching rooted in the Tai Chi Classics, a form recognized for its authentic reflection of Tai Chi’s essential principles. The system has given rise to many of the world’s top authorities in Tai Chi over the last 100 years.


Since 1988 Dr. David Walls-Kaufman has been a student of Ben Lo, senior student of Prof. Cheng Man-ch'ing.

Anonymous ID: 74c3aa Aug. 14, 2021, 10:44 a.m. No.14351210   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In a complaint filed on September 3, 1996, appellants Tierney and Stephen McCracken alleged that appellee David Walls-Kaufman, while serving as Mrs. McCracken's chiropractor during a period of time beginning in December 1994, “sexually assaulted” her on several occasions.1  During this time, appellants alleged, Mrs. McCracken “discussed numerous personal matters with [appellee] affecting her psychological well-being, and was counseled by him in connection therewith.”   According to appellants, Dr. Walls-Kaufman was aware at that time that Mrs. McCracken was taking medication “which limited her ability to prevent the behavior described.”   Appellants' complaint asserted that these “sexual assaults” violated applicable standards of care and ethical considerations as well as District of Columbia law, “constituted acts of malpractice, breach of fiduciary duty, and/or negligence,” and caused Mrs. McCracken to suffer emotional distress for which she required both in-patient and out-patient psychiatric care.


Dr. Walls-Kaufman responded to this complaint not only with an answer denying the allegations, but also with a motion to dismiss in which he contended that because the McCrackens' claims arose from sexual assaults that occurred in December of 1994 they were barred under the one-year statute of limitations


Dr. Walls-Kaufman sodomized her for the first time in December of 1994, then again on approximately a half dozen occasions through August 10, 1995.