Anonymous ID: 83c22e Aug. 14, 2021, 9:41 a.m. No.14350703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0712 >>0721 >>0793 >>0805 >>1232





Durham Eyeing Criminal Charges for Low-Level FBI Agents in Russia Probe Origin Investigation


Special Counsel John Durham is eyeing potential criminal charges for several low-level FBI employees and other people not in government as part of his investigation into the origins of the FBI’s 2016 Russia probe, people familiar with the matter told the Wall Street Journal.


Durham is currently presenting evidence to a grand jury and is preparing a report to be finished in the next several months, the Journal reported. Much of his investigation is currently focused on whether tipsters knowingly provided false information to the FBI in possible violation of laws against lying to the government. The false tips reportedly pertain to connections between the Trump campaign and the Russian bank Alfa Bank.


The report was expected to be submitted by the end of summer but may be delayed.

Anonymous ID: 83c22e Aug. 14, 2021, 9:44 a.m. No.14350734   🗄️.is 🔗kun



…yet "vio__nce" is not encouraged here.


What is left to do when every possible legal process cannot be trusted and civilians have NO chance of saving their country through court battles since every government and civil institution has been formally infiltrated and corrupted including the military?

Anonymous ID: 83c22e Aug. 14, 2021, 9:54 a.m. No.14350813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1232



Frens - watch Mirage Men.


"Mirage Men is about how the US government used mythology to cover up their advanced technology. It prominently features Richard Doty, a retired Special Agent who worked for AFOSI, the United States Air Force Office of Special Investigation"


A certain millionaire was using his resources to purchase specialized equipment record government flight programs. The government then sent Richard Doty to feed the millionaire disinformation regarding "secret UFO programs" and "Alien - government pacts"


The strategy was to get the millionaire to go public with the disinformation in order to kill two birds:

  1. Once the information was proven to be false, the millionaire would be ruined

  2. Once the information was proven false, people would lose interest in the "fantasy" government programs.


This is precisely what happened to Mike Lindell. Precisely