>>14347824 pb
>hey do you guys have shit about masks being against the constitution and shit
Look up Reiner Fuellmich testimony. They can't make laws or mandates based on fraud. Yea, I think that's under the 14th.
Also look up Patrick King, Alberta Canada. (Go to qresear.ch) or look up "FOIIA requests reveal sars-cov2 virus or any other virus have never been isolated."
Ptrick King said to file a challenge against the health act and ask for white paper evidence of sars-cov 2 isolated in natural setting outside of a lab or an over-spun pcr test. The pcr tests = what they based the scamdemic on. Therefore = fraud therefore = Reiner Fuellmich testimony explaining why this whole thing is unconstitutional. Also look up Dr. Martin with Reiner Fuelmich and he goes over all the patents n laws they are breaking.