Those fuckers have twice as much as this anon over here!
That really pisses me off. Thanks for posting anyway.
Those fuckers have twice as much as this anon over here!
That really pisses me off. Thanks for posting anyway.
Is there a method to your madness? I’ve notice these in the past couple of breads or it’s a bot!
I thought he said “Murphy” in a barking tone.
It gets worse after the pots. You start to realize all the horrible events perpetuate on helpless people. You start to think about the poor kids getting defiled and enslaved to savages.
Then you think about Chyna! They are just down the Silk Road. They’ve mentioned recognizing the Taliban as a legitimate govt.
Then you think about the soldiers who are being actually sacrificed to the demon that resides within that hellhole.
That’s for starters!