so obvious question
where is Hillbag?
so obvious question
where is Hillbag?
>Wait until 911 truth comes out
How many truths have been revealed that no one ever acts on?
cigarettes are bad
drugs are bad
opiates will kill ya
santa is a lie
people stop at stop signs (I do kek)
lottery is a black hole
goes on. the truth can be known and no behaviors ever changed. AHhhh the rub!
>duck and jive. Let them take the heat. Not you
like that anon
also enjoy pulling the intellectually unexpected and satirically left field verbal bitch slaps - goes over the head and makes smoke come from earholes
there is something about the truth being out and it disarms the anger of the lie…
if you arelied to 100% you get pissed when you find out
but provide 85% of the truth/dirt thru msm and cornspiracy etc and omit 15% of the most damning actual truth.
This disarms the people more than a total lie
sure there are plenty of norms/useful idiots that {they} surround themselves with to gain credibility.
Standing next to or at an event of cabal does not make them all complicit.
Not all.