Is anybody else confused?
Q. Not sure if the Afghanistan issue is movie or reality. If reality it really breaks my heart there are good men and woman in grave danger right now. Please bring them home. It's a long way from home and the Constitution is not in Afghanistan.
Chemtrails are real but I think what you may be observing is mono-culture issues plus all the spraying on these crops.
So what is this "bug"?
Can't say I have heard of this outfit. Do they have credibility like the CDC or WHO?
I wonder what Nuremberg Code he is referring to? Anyone have a PDF on this law this poster is appealing to?
What law that is higher to our countries laws is this guy appealing to? Not sure how Nuremberg is higher than our supreme court and the laws of our land.
Any law fags know if this law is higher than the United States laws?
Why not? Where do they comment? It's moran btw.
Chek't. You matter anon. Keep up the great work and thank you for your information.
My bad. Always thought it was spelt moran. This is why I come here. Thank you.
Yeah and the Nuremberg Codes say nobody can be forced to be experimented on.