Big Data analyst Cliff High interviewed by USA Watchdog:
Biden Desperate as Vax Narrative Falls Apart-Clif High
Clif High says there has been a covert war going on between the Deep State globalists and our own military. High says it’s all about to spill over into the streets for all to see. High says, “The United States has been attacked. I am going to echo Donald Trump’s words and say it is a greater attack than we suffered at Pearl Harbor. It’s greater than 9/11. This attack has initiated a war. We are in that war now. . . .We are in a war that is going to bust out into the open such that everybody that lives in normal land will start to become aware of the massive amounts of things that have been hidden from them as well as the implications of this war. Our military is still occupied by the people that have infiltrated the United States. They came in and infiltrated, not invaded. . . . We have two Presidents, and we have two militaries.”
Goes into Devolution and provides detail.
In place since 1947.
In devolutionary path now fighting CCP.
Protocols in place that allow for circulation in the ranks of the MIL.
Direct link to video of interview: