Could not find original vid, so forced to go to a leftie - wow, give a listen; shirt - 4 min
OAN Host Calls For Mass Executions
Could not find original vid, so forced to go to a leftie - wow, give a listen; shirt - 4 min
OAN Host Calls For Mass Executions
Still put out with codemonk banning me. Was able to get back on but read only - cant comment. Just told the normies they were weak because they were violating a guy's free speech and got him banned (he actually was being a jerk)
I wasnt calling them names, I was stating a fact - they are weak and wont be able to deal with what's coming if they cry when someone says something they dont like. They didnt like that either. Kek. Wouldnt expect Ron to censor people.
>Dairy is done
Oh wow, I hope not. [Their] dairy, yes, but going back to natural dairy with no hormones would be great.
Surely the minions were coerced in their actions re: election fraud. How could thousands of people agree unless threatened or very well paid?