Seeing as the election was a fraud, Covid19 is a diabolical scam, and 911 WAS an inside job… why wouldn’t DHS’s banner not be a form of gaslighting intended to incite an incident like the very “terrorism” they pretend they are protecting people from?
60,000 suicides related to the War on Terror, so it’s said. And somewhere between ten and twenty TRILLION blown ostensibly to secure three trillion of rareearths.
9/11 was an inside job too. How’s bout dat?
The battle line is being drawn VERY clearly, one side insists ALL children need to cover their lower faces to keep ANY from dying. The other side is disgusted but not stopping those who want to, but insisting upon NOT have the lower face of their children covered so that their child can survive.
Lord help us.
Thisanon often gets tied up in knots trying to say/write an idea…
If any one can distillate/edit down what I tried to say, in a clearer/simpler way?
We really need to get this out to people…
If what they are striving for, invinces (sp?) to suffocate and smother my child… WHEN exactly am I ‘justified’ in killing them in defense of someone who’s too small to defend themselves.
I use myself as an example, but the question is the same for ANYONE, thus EVERYONE.
If what these monsters are doing leads to only one result… the smothering of our children, WHEN then are We justified in killing [them] in our defense.
Not here troll/shilling/clownfagging… it is a very honest question.
Vary sophisticated answer to my simple question, an answer to which many plain people are still seeking. Wanna try answering again, motherfucker?
What is this “Law” you speak of?