People whose jobs are on the line need to use the religious exemption at their disposal. Every state has one. Some states even have philosophical exemptions. Medical exemptions are going to be difficult as they’ve closed many potential loop holes by having multiple vaccine options. In addition, many doctors are being heavily pressured to not process medical exemption claims and, in some states like here in NC, the state gets the claims the doctors submit and they can reject the claims (and most likely will). My wife is an RN and her supervisor asked her if she was going to get the vax. She told her “No, I’m going to claim the religious exemption”. She said her supervisor looked surprised and maybe a little disappointed, but she told my wife “I support you”. Hopefully that means my wife will not lose her job. That would be a devastating blow to our family but we are willing to make the sacrifice if need be. None of us are going to get the vax no matter what. My son is a USMC reservist and he’s willing to face serious consequences for not getting the vax as well. Now the bad part of getting the religious exemption is that those who get the exemption will be treated like second class citizens. My wife said they have already told employees that get the exemption that they will have to be tested every 2 weeks among other things. She said a different hospital was making exempted employees sit on the other side of the room during meetings. The left has always loved them some segregation!