Why does he have a US M16 and not an AK?
Has Biden's bodged withdrawal armed the enemy
It is another move in their plan
cause more instability in the middle east all part of the Kalergi Plan
The Kalergi plan is the New World Order plan, and it's not just for Europe. White genocide is very real and is playing out today exactly as Kalergi and his handlers envisioned it. That is why scum such as the Frumpy Frau of Germany and Maricon (not a typo, Spanish word for fag) of France have flooded Europe with “migrants.” Speaking of manly Marxist Merkel and girl Maricon; for their slavish devotion to Rothschild's European Unionism, they both received the "prestigious" Charlemagne Prize – mistakenly referred to by some as the "Kalergi Prize" because Kalergi was its very first recipient in 1950
Look at previous Prize winners