Yeah, some nut case puts these stones out there without any indication of who he (or they) is and
anons think it's really what the elite believe. No sauce, no nothing. You're still asleep.
Yeah, some nut case puts these stones out there without any indication of who he (or they) is and
anons think it's really what the elite believe. No sauce, no nothing. You're still asleep.
Research? You're a fucking retard. There's no provenance for those stones or what is on them,
just morons like you that keep pushing this shit because you're too stupid to figure it out for yourself.
No, you're just a retard.
Oh look, the retard is triggered.
Uh, no. How fucking stupid are you? You're on a fucking Q research board and you don't even
know what's going on? The elite need us more than we need them, they always have. They need
us for their comfy lifestyles. Don't be as stupid as the other retard. Pay attention. Wake up.