I find his White-Face so Racist and Offensive ! Cancel Suckerbucks!!
Question if Trump is still POTUS Why would he let Kabul fall like that letting them get all that Equipment? or Allow the border to be so porous? The Patriots In Control want this to happen? I'm just a little confused by this.
But Blackhawk Helicopters and Drones? Isn't that just handing them to China or Iran to reverse engineer or probe for weakness? I get your point about shipping all that stuff out of there that's a shit ton of weight.
Im going through the bread and see Kansas meeting with the Taliban and understand I really don't know what is behind this. Kansas was CIA and they might have been getting the Heroin there. I do know that I have a couple friends who served over there and one had Massive Brain Tumors and riddled with Cancer from the bullets and armor I imagine and another who suffered a severe back injury and PTSD and the VA just has him doped up on 200 mg Morpheme pills for the rest of his life it looks like. He can't get help to get off them because it would mean that he has a drug problem and screw up his benefits somehow, not really sure but I do think the VA is fucked in the way it handles this type of thing. Our own Government messed up more soldiers than the Taliban did I bet and I want to help advocate for reform for these guys who are just so messed up. I do Trust Trump and whomever put him in the position. o7