What kind of soy-drenched faggot names an entire bread after some retarded ginger cumdumpster?
>Hello europe here come the refugees.
>Mass migration globally.
Keep trusting that plan, assholes.
>Jen taking a week off means nothing, except panic.
Ginger cumdumpster taking a week off means nothing, period.
Next week you Qtards will latch onto another meaningless development. From behind your impotent keyboards, trading your impotent memes. Get fucked already.
From DHS.
I'm sure your cyber soldiering will overcome this propaganda. Or Q will ride down with Jesus out of the clouds and unbrainwash the masses who lap this shit up.
Look! Qtards have been officially declared a terrorist threat, by the British Crown no less!
You go girl.
All this means is that the ginger cumdumpster is thumbing her twat at America and taking week off to drink sugary cocktails. But Qtards predictably invest it with prophetic significance.
You don't have to be a "highly trained mercenary" to know how to hold a gun.
No need to kill them, no need to inflict bodily harm. Only scare them so badly they cannot sleep. Why haven't enough patriots figured this out already?
>You seem to misunderstand. Q is not The Return. That would be me.
You seem incapable of grasping this verbal thing that humans do called "sarcasm".
And for a self-proclaimed messiah, your writing is terrible.
Biden is not going to resign.
You underestimate what a bunch of weenies they are.