Nice! Good work keeping the noodle moist.
Can you match any of the images individually to see if they’re original- would be cool to match an image to some other event or meeting
Nice! Good work keeping the noodle moist.
Can you match any of the images individually to see if they’re original- would be cool to match an image to some other event or meeting
All I hear is Kim Clement saying- “ Where Time Magazine will have no choice but to say what I want them to say; Newsweek what I want them to say; and The View, what I want to say.”
I had friends visit Portland last summer
They setting up for Kamala already
Gold star digger here!
Grabbing this quick image, I was reminded of the feeling when a teacher I respected would put a gold star sticker on a paper of mine. I remember watching that foil of approval be removed, the smell of freshly printed worksheets, 4th grade was a good year for me.
Anyway… good work. Like a dog with a bone to find.
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