>Harris appoints new VP (Obama?)
>Then she steps down.
It won't be Obama, he can't serve again. More likely it would be (''pic very related'').
>Harris appoints new VP (Obama?)
>Then she steps down.
It won't be Obama, he can't serve again. More likely it would be (''pic very related'').
American presidents are elected for four-year terms. While the 22nd Amendment limits presidents to two full terms in office, it also allows them to serve two years at most of another president's term. So if a president died, resigned, or was impeached and removed from office, the vice president would be sworn in. If two years or less was left on the previous president's term, the new president could serve out that term and still be qualified to run for two full terms of their own. That means the most any president can serve in the White House is 10 years.
If they want to use Obama, they will need to wait until Joe has served at least 2 full years.
(link related)
They're already here anon. Have been for awhile.
Exactly! When she did terribly during the primaries, her handlers hatched the "Just Joe from Scranton" plan in order to install her. Harris is ''bought and paid for'' by Soros, and he is seeing to it, that she becomes the president.