Wow, 41 posts short of Philling?
Well, only 40 now. Come to think of it, it'll be 39 if I don't get banned again.
I would be more constructive with my posts here, but since I'm just talking to myself, Phil.
A little lite reading.
>>14381189 (FB)
I've never marked a post with Future Bread before!
Wonder if I can post in this bread, while another post in a different bread is hung up?
For the record, that's a nope. Blasted my other as a detected flood.
For the lucky winner.
Still needs a bit of Philling.
This appears to be JP's game. Wait til Grandma finds out!
Quick break. Time to hit the head and grab a beer. In that order. ;-)
Whew! Needed that.
Awaken the Kraken
Member this one?
Time to end this.
Masks and common cents.
Forgot I snagged this one. Kudos to the OG.
Doxing myself in celebration!