>do you fruitcakes want?
Yes, yes, the flag has the maritime wartime golden fringe. A few years late to be complaining about that, you out of better division faggotry than the fucking banner flag?
Explain please, tell me what possible comms is a pineapple on the banner flag with afringe
>Ops are a go faggot
Yes it does.
So scavino is also a shill as they have fringe flags on they twitter banner, hats the outcome of the OP that you are preventing hero?
Should maybe shut your fucking mouth next time then genius. At any time any retard can create division faggotry around a flag that would never have been planted without the false flag of pearl harbor. Surely you have come to realize that any sort of flag faggotry can be invented and is a clear sign of a retard or a division fag, you can choose what hat fits best.