who could have guessed that [they] could weaponize the DHS?
are people allowed to drink other beverages than alcoholic, outdoors, without a mask?
the DHS is only 'necessary' if there is a forced mandate to accept (((domestic terrorists))) within ones country
kamala not pictured as she is under the table
the PCR tests to prove efficiency of the vaxx, and the 'need' for it, was also a fraud
what does that say about what's currently going on?
'breakthrough case'
the genetic sequence that the PCR test would give a positive result for apparently exists 90 times in the human genome, and in animals, fruit, and even bacteria
and virus is apparently just fragments of dead cells, and some of these fragments will contain a sequence of nucleotide base-pares that matches what the PCR test will detect, since about 40 to 70 billion cells die each day in an adult due to apoptosis, and that is not including all other cell death (necrosis) due to toxins, stress or increased rates of electromagnetic radiation.
the planes taking off from Afghanistan were C-17's
They are hidin' bidan because him making any form of statement will only further embarrass the U.S.
the same (((historian))) who believes that the 'holocaust' happened?
as if the jews of the cia would ever mind that the U.S. will have even less insight or control over [their] machinations
nah, once you know what you can achieve, every new day is worth striving for