I think FDA approval in Sept is a forgone conclusion
Well, the OT is the Jewish book of laws. The NT was compiled by a bunch of Semites, who by blood weren't Jewish, but wanted to forge all the pagan religions into the Jewish system under Constantine, for ultimate people control. Those who didnt convert were killed…again and again. That's the Roman Catholic system. All current denominations decend from Catholicism.
Ask yourself this. If Christianity was it's own seperate religion, why would it base its Holy book in Judaism?
Jewish law becomes the King's law, which becomes the common law, which becomes our current system of laws,
& jurisprudence, which underpins the prison industrial complex which uses slave labor to manufacture goods for the US Gov't via companies like UNICOR.
All Jewish law is about paying taxes and penalties and making sacrafices to the priests for normal human behavior. Sex and ejaculation was the most commonly taxed behaviour on Judea…because religion is all about population control. Even a minor nocturnal emmission required payment of a tax for the sin (crime). We live on a prison planet.