IMHO this blog post is a must read.
It's Time for Conservatives to Abandon Twitter –
"No, there's no winning in the social media game when leftist censors control the platform. Conservatives have just two options–agitate for the Facebooks and Twitters of the world to be regulated like utilities or build and support their own platforms. Neither of these are mutually exclusive, but we only have direct control over the latter.
Fortunately, that platform exists for us with With a user base of around 500,000, it's on the verge of becoming a real player, but it needs content from fun, smart and entertaining users to draw even more conservatives to the platform.
So if you're not there yet, give it a try. Bring a friend. Let's stop supporting our enemies. Let's stop putting money in their pockets by boosting their subscriber counts. Let's stop entrusting our private information to a bunch of sociopaths who wouldn't think twice about ruining your life or anyone else's for the simple crime of expressing a different point of view.
Conservatives have suffered too long from a lack of imagination and a lack of confidence. We don't NEED Twitter. It's an easy, low cost switch to What have you got to lose? Some followers? Who cares? Your content is being memory holed anyway. Hardly anyone is seeing it.
I understand why conservatives want to stay. We were winning it all for awhile. Every time a big-mouthed lefty celeb posted some inanity meant to garner attaboys from the amen chorus, he got wrecked over and over in his mentions.
It was a bonfire of the vanities for the Establishment, both for the left and the #NeverTrump pretenders on the "right." It was an exciting, heady time when, for the first time in our lives, there was no layer of protection for these bloviating clowns and their cheap sophistry
But that's over. Twitter is desperate to protect the order of things. They can't afford to let you have your say and they aren't going to. Accept this and start supporting friendly alternatives. Remember, every hit you give Twitter is one that conservative sites like Ace of Spades or free speech friendly platforms like aren't getting.
It's time to change direction. Enough is enough. "