black swan synchronicities are calendar shifting events favoring one faction of transdimensional entities over another. Effect can be local, regional or global (9/11 massive) or aeon scale like the crucifixion of Jesus Christ an enormous long lasting calendrical shifting "black swan" event – anything that cause millions of people reorganize their lives, marked in time in calendars.
What difference does a calendar change make?
The dates of national festival, commemorations, etc are a system of social memory organization. By shifting a calendar - inserting a festival or deprecating an old one we shift the synchronization of social events great and small -and with a large enough event, or series of events, we may alter the organizing principal of an entire civilization. Shift the focus of human attention from one area to another.
Every morning we wake up a little worse off than we were the night before, we might blame God, as the Marxists urge. We might blame Marxists as reason. Doesn't really matter from the satanic point of view.
We often fail to reflect that the apparent opposites, the coke and pepsi, Republicans and Democrats both urge us to war, regular war with strangers, war against war, war to end all wars, forever war, whatever war; and the anti-war movement. They sabotage their own companies, sink their own ships, assassinate their own politicians - to generate conflict and ill will. People with heads full of left and right wing cultist ideas about the world argue with people repeating cult counter arguments for the opposite point of view.
This creating and controlling the apparent opposites is the cultists "Modus Operandi" It is how they control the rest of us sheep, who docilly accept the issues as the cult defines them. The left and the right.
how they run they've run the world.
Smuggle drugs and operate\ recovery clinics. Release criminals and build more private prisons. Make war by imposing peace. All a cloak for the dark forces soon to be no more.
When we allow others to define a problem, and to burn it into to a calendar, into monuments, into photographs in classrooms - we alter much more than a park, or a few walls. Consider.