It was that graphic about the doctor in eastern europe, adopting the girls from the orphanage and doing high amputations to remove their lower limbs, blinding them with a laser, removing their teeth, severing their hearing nerves, severing their vocal cords, to produce a defenseless senseless toy.
i'll spare you the graphic for the moment.
it broke me. after 23 years of sobriety from alcohol i started day-drinking first thing at 4am.
when people around me got the vax my consumption went way up, and when i saw this:
about the myeloperoxidase body response to alcohol helping clear the graphene i began to wonder.
in any case i recently noticed that consumption will double yet again if i mix liquor with juice containing "natural flavors" (MSG).
corporate food strikes again.
Using Monosodium Glutamate to Initiate Ethanol Self-Administration in Inbred Mouse Strains