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Ask this ass fuck why he never mentions BRENNAN or BARRY.
Also, Robyn Gritz told him to STFU today with his nonsense.
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Ask this ass fuck why he never mentions BRENNAN or BARRY.
Also, Robyn Gritz told him to STFU today with his nonsense.
Anyone hear Rush today? Congressman on there (sorry, missed where they said who it was) talked about the Awan's. Said that there were 6k logins using congressional persons log-ins, through the Beccerra server. Lots of them came from Pakistan.
The Awan's had all 43 Dems congressional passwords and were logging in to steal God knows what, to give/sell/use, to/for who the fuck knows.
Kinda a big fuckin deal.
Pickle=Clowns=Roth's Intel network
His lawyer turned over the laptop, so yes.
Clowns= MSM