Thank You baker
Father ~ Old Testament
Son ~ New Testament
Holy Ghost ~ Your ability to figure it all out
It does not nessearily matter if God created man or man invented God.
It is smart to believe in God. Just in case he does exist. If not, believing does no harm.
If he is omnipotent as described (and timeless) he foresaw the abuse of religion as tool of submission (to evil).
He knew (knows?!?) evil would alter scripture in translation and what becomes of it. (cubit ~ Q-bit)
I prefer being spiritual rather to being religious. No where in scripture - in any language - is stated to build a temple of gold or elect a substitute for God on earth.
I'm no religious scholar or theologist.
I am flawed but surely not evil.
Just sharing some thoughts as I read some biblestuff curiously.
I have faith that things will turn out well in the end - else it is not the end.
Have no fear speaking out for liberty, freedom and the pursuit of hapiness.
You deserve it.
You are blessed and loved unconditionally, all of you.