>>14393565 pb
Earthquakes happen, magnitudes get revised based on the data.
I do not trust anyone that predicts earthquakes every day of the year. A stopped clock is right twice a day…. Unless it's digital.
>>14393565 pb
Earthquakes happen, magnitudes get revised based on the data.
I do not trust anyone that predicts earthquakes every day of the year. A stopped clock is right twice a day…. Unless it's digital.
pedo's of a feather flock together.
Look at that icecream sitting there like a 19 year old girl with her legs crossed.
muh thinking face
I have a relative with stage 4 cancer, terminal by Christmas, Dr suggested the vax is a good idea.
He took it. Dr said it was a good idea.
When it's really hard to remember basic words this can happen. Senility is a curse.
He's always trusted "those you trust the most." And TV news is compulsory viewing.
thats a bingo
A REEEE overdose
Burning up on re-entry. nice
Scientists also say to lockdown and 2 weeks to flatten muh curve
We'll take it from here o7
If we ever do find aliens, we may be in for a shock. And we may not want to fuck them
Thanks Gary, you often have good links.
Just be safe
surely things are coming to a head.
so who did her makeup?
dressed up nice for the video too.
Looks forced not uncontrollable.
smells fishy