>Oh yeah, my doctor also told me that, and I quote: "Masks are bullshit, I wouldn't bother wearing one."
Masks aren't always bullshit. Anon likes wearing one when sanding or doing other dusty chores.
>Oh yeah, my doctor also told me that, and I quote: "Masks are bullshit, I wouldn't bother wearing one."
Masks aren't always bullshit. Anon likes wearing one when sanding or doing other dusty chores.
Would God approve of capslock?
Captcha is trying to tell me something…
>My doctor has not even mentioned it
Anon has relative who had a stroke a month ago.
While he was still in hospital, one doc was pushing the vaxx…for someone who just had a stroke.
>I have a relative with stage 4 cancer, terminal by Christmas, Dr suggested the vax is a good idea.
Was his name Dr. Kevorkian?
>I think there's some truth to the smoking / covid thing…
All anon knows is cigs tasted like shit for a couple months after catching chink virus at Christmas 2019. Pretty sure was zinc deficiency.
All your despair memes belong to us.
>Any cold sores in your mouth anon? Been seeing both shingles reported and cold sores. Anon works In dental field
The good news is Ivermectin goes after Herpes (the cause of cold sores).
Crick dat shit, nigga.