Afghanistan was a 'system' of about 80,000 snitches paid to sell out all their other countrymen. In 20 years the CIA built Afghanistan into a literal 'Warsaw Slum' that was barely kept alive with the troublemakers pulled out and punished by what the well rewarded 'snitches' reported to the authorities.
So… instead of building an Afghan Military and Police Force, the CIA built a 'Warsaw Ghetto' snitch system and barely kept the Afghan population alive. Now you know why the 'snitches' were so desperate to get out of Kabul…
The CIA did nothing for 20 years in Afghanistan but launder money, sell drugs and abuse the local population. They lost ALL THAT. But that's not their biggest problem. You know their biggest problem now? The 'snitch' systems they built in other countries are falling apart. The SEE WITH THEIR OWN EYES how it ends for them.
Big problems in the Cabal today.