#4 human cloning in early film & media Betty Boop Bimbos Initiation Masonic Dec 19 2013
cartoons dismissed as…entertainment
#4 human cloning in early film & media Betty Boop Bimbos Initiation Masonic Dec 19 2013
cartoons dismissed as…entertainment
Prime Directive Debate
!:55 'what if an oppressive government is enslaving millions?'
4-6% [brainwashed]
bloodlines, mku, black op projects, those who sold their souls, cults, not one to 'believe' could fall into that category?
People have a choice every day.
Those choices have consequences.
What was planned was a reset with HRC winning and a full nuke strike with more than 70% of life wiped off the planet blaming North Korea.
The world is dividing into two camps, one who will not survive and one that will.
Your time here is temporary. You are soul having an Earth based experience.
Decide which path you want to take.
Fake people
All AI computer generated ids for narratives