BOOMS incoming
wait me a minute
Court rules Arizona Senate must release election audit records
Say the line CM!
Rep. @mtgreenee: "I do have articles of impeachment drawn up to submit tomorrow. […] Joe Biden is failing America and he needs to be impeached."
World Health Organization blasts plans for vaccine booster shots as immoral
Fire at will!
Writer offers Prince Andrew $100mln to speak live about Epstein on lie detector - report
SpaceDogs legacy lives on.
Here's the story. Dog-a-naut #Strelka's pup #Pushinka aka Fluffy was gifted by USSR in a gesture of good will to US President John F. #Kennedy.
Two hearts Love happened: #Pushinka romanced Charlie, the @WhiteHouse
dog, their descendants live to this day
Where there is no government, there is no law, except that which the inhabitants are able to give themselves.
If they order you to obey, it is enough for you to disobey, to disregard their dominion over you.
híppos, "horse", and ποταμός, potamós, "river", meaning "horse of the river"
Who cares?
Take Two!
The Ever Given container ship, which completely blocked the Suez Canal in March, will again attempt to navigate the Canal in the reverse direction
Not waiting for final okay, clinics rush to offer COVID boosters to anyone 40+
Shhhhh, never interrupt…